• Yunzhi Essence

    – Boosts immunity and is good for people
    undergoing radio and chemotherapy.
    – It improves body fluids in the body,
    – It promotes production of body hormones,
    – It helps to improve appetite,
    – It’s a very good supplement for the elderly as in
    helps to nourish tissues promoting normal
    growth and development,
    – It stimulates the body’s production of interferon
    a wonderful substance that fights viral infections
    in the Body.

  • Pure & Broken Ganoderma Spores Oil

    • It has very positive effects on the Immune
      system. The spore oil gives White Blood Cells
      support. This means that even for pple who are
      healthy with no immune-modulating challenges
      can also benefit from this spore oil since it
      provides protective properties for the Immune
    • The Spore Oil helps in fighting cancer cells.
    •  Ganoderma Lucidium Oil prevents & treats
      prostate cancer which is a major issue in Men’s
      reproductive health.
    • Spore Oil is also touted for its Antiviral & Anti
      bacterial properties.
    •  It is an anti oxidant.
    • Helps promote proper insulin supply.
    •  It is an anti fatigue supplement.
    •  It is very good for elderly pple It Absorbs at a
      rate of rate of 450% which promotes quicker
      renewal of cells, elderly pple are very vulnerable
      when it comes to cell damage.
    •  Gernoderma Lucidium Spore Oil has Cardioprotective properties, reason being that it helps
      to balance blood fat & cholesterol levels. (G.Oil
      and Vit E.)
    •  The Ganoderma Lucidium Fungi Spore Oil also
      helps to nourish the liver promoting its
    •  It has Nervous System nourishing properties.
    •  It fights menstrual cramps (Dysmenorrhea).
    •  Repairs muscle damage caused by strenuous
    • Treats Age related macular degeneration an eye
      disease that leads to vision loss in older adults.
    •  Treats Age related macular degeneration an eye
      disease that leads to vision loss in older adults.
    •  It helps to increase appetite.
    •  It improves tolerance to Surgery, Chemo &
      Radio therapy.
    • It has been touted as a very imp’t supplement
      for fighting hormonal imbalance by supporting
      the Endocrine System.
    •  It helps to prevent or do away with insomnia.
      Insomnia is failure or lack of sleep.
    •  It is important in the treatment of asthma (Its
      illness that causes difficulty in breathing)
    •  Used in treatment & prevention of contact
      Dermatitis (This a disease of the skin which
      causes redness, swelling & pain)
    •  It is used in the treatment of Conjunctivitis.
    •  Generally the list of ailments that Pure & Broken
      Ganoderma Spores Oil can treat is endless.
  • Pure &Broken Ganoderma Spores

    It improves General body Organ health,
    – Boosts immunity by increasing White Blood, Red
    Blood and Bone cell production,
    – It’s a very good supplement for the elderly since
    it absorbs at a rate of 450% fastening general
    body self healing and wellness
    – It’s the best supplement for patients who are on
    Chemo & Radiotherapy.

  • Reishi Coffee

    • It boosts body immunity,
    • Removes toxins, and
    • Breaks down fat in the vessels hence improving
      blood flow
  • Constirelax

    • It helps cleanse the stomach & intestines,
      improving the overall health of the Intestine,
    •  Improves Intestinal Absorption hence improving
    •  Fights and Prevents Colon Cancer,
    • It improves intestinal flora for general GIT
  • Gym Effect Capsules

    Suppresses sweet tastes without affecting the
    perception of other tastes,
    – Increases insulin production by improving cell
    growth in the pancreas where insulin is
    – Lowers the amount of sugar that gets absorbed
    in the intestines,
    – Blocks the absorption of lipids (fats),
    – Helps to fight against abnormal tumor growths,
    Liver problems, fungal infections, due to the
    presence of Stigmasterol & Triterpenoids
    saponins compounds found in Gymnema
    – Helps to improve athletic performance by
    increasing lean muscle mass.
    – Helps to fight bipolar disorder.
    – Compounds such as stigmasterol & triterpenoids
    saponins plus PQQ wc are powerful
    – Animal data shows that PQQ helps to make
    more mitochondria improving Mitochondrial
    – It has anti inflammatory effects.
    – It increases Nootropics. Substances that help
    improve memory, attention and learning.
    – It improves Sleep & mood

  • Micro2 Tabs

    • It promotes proper functioning of the heart,
    • It helps to balance adrenaline in the body which
      regulates heart beats hence improving heart
    • It breaks down blood fat & cholesterols,
    • Treats and prevents Coronary Heart Disease.
    • Treats Chronic venous insufficiency
    •  Helps to thin blood preventing High blood
  • Arthroxtra

    • It supports nourishment, lubrication & oiling of
      joints cartilage hence improving locomotion.
    • It promotes synovial production of hyaluronic
      acid which fights rheumatoid factors (ulcers in


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  • Glozojoint capsules

    • it helps maintain and build healthy joint cartilage
    • reduces symptoms of osteoarthritis
    • Alleviates joint discomfort
    • Good for joints and wrist, ankle , knees and neck
    • it nourishes the joints
    • made of glucusamine
  • BF SUMA Zaminocal plus capsules

    • Combination of zinc, amonia acid and calcium
    • Enhances the absorption of calcium and zinc over 90% rate
    • maitains healthy bone and teeth
    • Slows down the aging process
    • Provides a health nervous system
    • Improves the immune system
    UGX 110,000UGX 150,000
  • Prostate relax capsules

    • contains prosteap which maintains healthy prostate  and reduces the risk of prostate problems
    • prevents prostate enlargement
    • maintains balance of entire urinogenital system and reduces urinary dysfuntion

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