• Gym Effect Capsules

    Suppresses sweet tastes without affecting the
    perception of other tastes,
    – Increases insulin production by improving cell
    growth in the pancreas where insulin is
    – Lowers the amount of sugar that gets absorbed
    in the intestines,
    – Blocks the absorption of lipids (fats),
    – Helps to fight against abnormal tumor growths,
    Liver problems, fungal infections, due to the
    presence of Stigmasterol & Triterpenoids
    saponins compounds found in Gymnema
    – Helps to improve athletic performance by
    increasing lean muscle mass.
    – Helps to fight bipolar disorder.
    – Compounds such as stigmasterol & triterpenoids
    saponins plus PQQ wc are powerful
    – Animal data shows that PQQ helps to make
    more mitochondria improving Mitochondrial
    – It has anti inflammatory effects.
    – It increases Nootropics. Substances that help
    improve memory, attention and learning.
    – It improves Sleep & mood

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